know that we're all moved in, but I actually took pictures of the move so it seemed like a waste to let them just sit there with nothing to do except watch the popular pictures get blogged and make new friends. Sorry, had an afterschool charlie brown special moment there.

Anyway, this was the result of our move. Yes, it is in deed a room full of our stuff. My old bedroom got packed (as you can see) with almost everything we owned while we waited for movers to make room in the house for us to take over. Luckily most of our furniture sat in a kind uncle's garage so we didn't have to worry about it.
So my wife didn't want me to show a picture of her on moving day, so here's a mildly entertaining popular picture of my old roommate Abe being attacked by three Werewolves. Anyway, the movers came and were just the happiest elves you'd ever meet in a truck stop. They were really cool and moved all my mom's stuff into their truck PDQ. I think that means Pretty Darn Quick, but I better google it and make sure it's not a viral plague somewhere. Ok, thanks for enduring the randomness!
Thanks for a great laugh after a very boring day at work