Monday, April 9, 2012


So many of our moments in life are about family. Family creates home. Family shares love. Family creates laughter. Family is Forever.

Which is why this last weekend make me so happy. For Easter weekend we got to go witness the baptism of a nephew and visit all of my husband's family. Its the last time that we will all be together for a while, as many of us are headed on journeys far away (or not so far, but at least farther). What a joy it is to be adopted into such a great family. Its amazing how quickly you can feel like a part of something. There's so many jokes about in-laws, but I'll tell you they didn't get mine.

Also, I did get to visit with my Mom, Dad and Brother. Even got to drive my brother to ask his first little prom date. So much fun to try and be a part of each siblings lives as much as I can. This family is already all spread out. We currently have siblings living in 4 different states, soon to be 5 (including Utah). But we still try to keep in contact. Lots of joy with my own family too.

Finally, I'm so grateful families are forever. That is thanks to our Savior, and the resurrection that we celebrated this weekend, we get to live with our families forever. Just as they are here, but not with the far away part. I'm grateful for my Savior for providing that way.

I thought this picture was a fitting representation of what we can become. My little daughter is perfect and Christlike right now. I hope that she will see the Savior always in her life, always right beside her, just like this picture.