Squeaker is now a month old! We've all learned so much in the first month, but mostly mom and dad have learned a lot. We've learned that she does not like to be cold at all, and thus does not like her clothes off. Or bath time. Or diaper changes. She does like to snuggle especially again our chest. She absolutely loves to swing! And most of the time she likes to be held. She's a good eater and weighed in yesterday at 11 pounds 1 ounce and 22 inches long. We're all making the adjustment fairly well. Enough that mom has started teaching piano. Dad is going back to school to be a police officer and for the moment being a substitute teacher until we can find a more permanent job that works with his school schedule.
I know what everyone really wants to see is pictures of the cutie. So just for the record I have difficulty figuring out how to work with pictures on blogger, so I'm going to deal with them in the order that they decided to be put in here. Hopefully it makes some sense.

Not edited, but a sample of the pictures my sister took for us just recently. I love my baby!!